Terms & Conditions - Club Mandalay

Terms and Conditions

Before beginning your round at Club Mandalay, please read the terms and conditions below.

Dress Regulations

A neat and tidy appearance is required AT ALL TIMES.

There is strictly NO BYO of alcohol to the Clubhouse.

Golf Course: Men & Ladies


Golf shoes with soft spikes only (no metal spikes permitted)

Tailored pants or shorts (3/4 length pants and cargo pants permitted)

Collared Shirt (not required for ladies)

Socks (short socks and anklets are permitted)

Not Acceptable

Football, board shorts or gym shorts


Denim of any description, tracksuit pants or leggings

Thongs, sandals or work boots

Shoes with no socks

Basic Rules of Golf

Basic Rules of Golf:

  1. Teeing Off: The round begins with players teeing off from designated tee boxes (please note course conditions board in Proshop). The ball must be played from inside the tee markers, and you have up to two club lengths behind the markers to tee up your ball.
  2. Stroke Play vs. Match Play: Golf can be played in different formats, but the two most common are stroke play and match play. In stroke play, the total number of strokes is counted, while in match play, each hole is a separate competition.
  3. Obstructions and Penalty Areas: When a golf ball lands in a Penalty Area (like a bunker or water hazard) or is obstructed by a loose impediment (like a fallen branch), specific rules apply for relief.
  4. Out of Bounds: If a ball is hit out of bounds, players must add a penalty stroke and play from the point where the previous shot was played.
  5. Holing Out: To complete a hole, a golfer must hit the ball into the hole on the green. The flagstick should be removed or tended when a ball is being putted.

Golf Etiquette Rules:

  1. Maintain Pace of Play: Golfers should keep up with the group ahead and be ready to play when it’s their turn. Slow play can disrupt the flow of the game.
  2. Repair Ball Marks and Divots: After hitting a shot onto the green, players should repair any ball marks or divots they or others have made to maintain the condition of the course.
  3. Respect Silence and Concentration: Golf is a game of focus, and it’s important to remain quiet and respectful of other players when they are addressing the ball or taking their shots.
  4. Allow Faster Players to Play Through: If your group is slower than the group behind, it’s good etiquette to let faster players play through to avoid delays.
  5. Leave No Trace: Keep the course clean by disposing of rubbish in designated areas, and respect natural surroundings by avoiding damage to trees, wildlife, and the course itself.

Terms and Conditions

Find our dress code on page 11. All golf course rules are from page 10-13.

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